
Who is Libby Armstrong and Why Did She Deserve Four Year Sentence in Prison?

Libby Armstrong of Westerhope was arrested after she bit off a woman’s fingertip and posted “grotesque” and “disturbing” photos of herself holding the severed digit in her mouth. Armstrong and the victim, Toni Lough got into a fight in the nightclub’s restrooms.

Let’s read in this about Libby Armstrong and what happened between Libby and the victim Toni Lough.

Who is Libby Armstrong?

Libby Armstrong is 22 years old and she lives in Shearwater Close, Westerhope, Newcastle and was arrested after she posted “disturbing” and “grotesque” photos of her fight with Toni Lough on Snapchat. After a trial at Newcastle Crown Court, she was found guilty and sentenced to prison.

If you’d like to read more about the other lawbreakers, you can do so by reading the posts we linked below:

What Happened Between Libby and Tony Laugh Actually?

The victim, Tony Laugh is a divorced mother of four who lost her job in the sandwich industry. On September 9, 2022, Lough was waiting for someone in the ladies’ room of Manhattans, a Wallsend nightclub, when she encountered the other woman.

Armstrong snatched at her hair and tackled her to the ground in an attack. Both women were asked to leave after being reported by a third customer. Tony Lough was waiting outside the club’s entrance when Armstrong left through a different door.

According to the documents filed in court, Lough extended his hand toward Armstrong and they embraced. When Lough bit her ring finger, her hand shot toward the accused’s face. The victim yelled at her, demanding that she stop. Graeme O’Sullivan, the prosecutor, testified that the victim felt the defendant’s teeth gnaw through her finger.

Her left ring finger had the top third cut off, including the nail. A distressed and pained Lough, who happens to be left-handed, was brought to the hospital. Her ribs and knee had also been bruised.

Armstrong, then 22 years old, had a rap sheet that included nine convictions, including assault on a first responder, possession of a hammer and a guilty plea to attempted murder. In this case, Armstrong was given a four-year prison term and an additional twelve weeks for violating the terms of his suspended sentence.

We’re crossing our fingers that you’re able to get all the data you need for this case. So far, that’s all the data we have on this case. We will keep you informed if we get any new information about this case. The latest updates on deaths, accidents and other current events will be posted to our Twitter feed until then.


Brenda Moya

Update: 2024-05-09